

很高兴遇见你!这里是思朴,遇见夏天和 Marklist App 的开发者


开发这两个 App,是希望能够借助自己的一点点力量,帮助这个世界变得更好

遇见夏天是一个干净的树洞 App,提供给正处于孤独中的人们,一个小小的倾诉空间

Marklist 是一个稍后阅读工具,帮助大家管理好自己的碎片时间

同时支持 iPhone iPad Mac 设备。非常欢迎大家体验,会对我很有帮助

如果你遇到了使用问题,或者希望和我交流,欢迎发送邮件到,我会第一时间回复的 🥳

Nice to meet you! This is Sipu, the developer of MeetSummer and Marklist App.

These two apps were developed in the hope of helping to make the world a better place with my little efforts.

MeetSummer is a clean tree-hole chat app that offers people who are in the midst of loneliness a space to confide in.

Marklist is a read-it-later tool to help us manage our fragmented time.

Both support iPhone iPad Mac devices. You are welcome to experience them, which will be very helpful to me.

If you’re having trouble using them, or would like to talk to me, feel free to email me at and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

开发 App 并保证稳定持续的运营是件不太容易的事。现在我还没能达到收支平衡,还在为保证大家的使用体验持续投入。如果我真的有帮助到你,欢迎使用支付宝扫描二维码赞赏支持!非常感谢!

It’s not easy to develop an app and keep it running consistently. Right now I haven’t been able to break even, and am still investing in keeping everyone’s experience. If I really helped you, feel free to support me by scanning the QR code with Alipay! Thank you very much!
